WFAS Frequently Asked Questions
What is all-star cheerleading?
All-star cheerleading is the competitive sport of cheerleading where teams learn routines, typically 2 1/2 minutes long, with various levels of gymnastics tumbling, stunting, motions, pyramids, and dance. Teams compete against one another at different levels based on age and skills. Levels 1-5 are the ones most commonly competed in with Level 1 being the lowest skill set and Level 5 being the highest. All-star teams do not cheer at games for other teams such as football or basketball.
What is different about WFAS?
There are several All-star cheerleading gyms to choose from in our area. What makes WFAS different you ask? The biggest organizational difference between WFAS and other programs is the fact that we have tumbling requirements starting at the youth level, ages 9 & up as of August 31st of each year. Athletes in those divisions must have a standing back handpring and a round off back handspring in order to make a WFAS full season team. This helps us insure the minimum level of those teams each year as level 2 and increases the total skill quality of each team in those age divisions at the start of each season, thus increasing each team’s chance of competing at higher levels in those age divisions. Athletes who cannot perform the required skills at the time of tryouts are eligible to cheer on our prep team, the Tundra Wolves.
Why do you have a limited number of full season WFAS teams each year?
WFAS cheerleading is one of several programs offered by Young’s Gym. The recreational gymnastics program is by far the largest program of the organization. We have found that limiting the number of WFAS teams each season is the best fit for the organization due to space limitations with the other programs of the business. Also, with the current USASF gym size guidelines, WFAS qualifies as a small D2 gym which means we have less than 125 athletes and we do not have the gym capacity to exceed that number.
How long have you been in business?
Young’s Gym opened its doors for business in downtown Wake Forest on February 28, 1994. We have been family owned and operated since day one and our entire focus is on one facility. We have no plans to expand or open other locations, merge with another All-Star gym, or become a part of any All-Star franchise. With us, what you see is what you get! Stability of the program and organization should definitely be a deciding factor when choosing an all-star cheerleading program and Young’s Gym and WFAS have been around the longest!
Who is the director of the WFAS program?
Shannon Young directs the WFAS program. Shannon Young is the WFAS program! She runs a tight ship and the program is efficiently structured and organized. Anything you want to know about the WFAS cheerleading program she can answer. Read more of Shannon’s bio on our Young’s Gym staff page here. Feel free to contact her at
How much does WFAS cheerleading cost?
Now that’s a loaded question! Obviously, it can vary from year to year and there are many factors that can differentiate one family’s cost to another family in the program during the same season. At WFAS, we do pride ourselves on being up front with costs at the onset of each season. The best way to see expenses is to download our packet where all the costs of the season are broken down. You should know that the only money the gym makes is the monthly tuition charge. Everything else is just passed along to the respective companies such as the uniform company, competition companies, etc. If you’re really looking for a ballpark figure of what a typical WFAS cheerleading season with one athlete would cost, $3000 for the year is a good base number to start with. Hopefully we didn’t scare you off! Believe it or not, that’s a fairly reasonable amount when compared to other All-Star programs in the area. Again, download the packet so you can see the breakdown of all the various expenses.
I don’t see my question listed. What should I do?
If you have any other questions, please send them to Shannon Young at or Lisa, our office manager at